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úterý, prosince 24, 2002

Retro: I.A.III.: videl som deti...

DATE: Tue, 24 Dec 2002 01:48:08 +0100

videl som deti...

dakujem vsetkym.

vesel vianoce. napisem viac, za minutu mi zatvaraju kniznicu.

je to tazke, nepoznaju ma, bojuju zo mnou... ale tiez sa smiali, hrali sme sa... nina je smutna, zabvudla sa smiat...


sobota, prosince 21, 2002

Retro > Sat, 21 Dec 2002 19:13:47 +0100

Date: Sat, 21 Dec 2002 19:13:47 +0100

Dear... ,

I believe you go one day to Heaven! I have seen my children yestersday! Thank you to your last minute cooperation with my attorney Ms. Wissel. I think it has helped a lot…

I would like to inform you from my perspective how my first contact was, as I am afraid alos to make any misake in the future while here. So this is also my sincere please for your furhtr advice how to bwehave to my children as I am assued to be with them each next couple days for 2-3 hours under the supervision of Family Support Center [Sat, Su, Director Ms. Jerri Miller, 505 242 1414] or at Court Clinique [Mo, Tue]. Then We without them and on Thu another meeting of all participating parties in the court to adjust for another days new arrangements. How we come to this arrangements from legal point of view, I am not going to explain to you now, as I have limited time on internet and afternnnon to go with the children. My SUBJECTIVE OBSERVATION IS BELOW.


a. I met chidren in the court room after several typs of preparation off all of use before. They were siiting on the bench with “family ladyfriend” I was told. But in my opinion it was babysitter trained to protect the children…

b. Nina played the game that she is not seeing me after just briefly our eyes met and after that she was staring at the children book. Her expression though was very weak, depressive, similar to those on the photos from 2001. SIMPLY IT WAS NOT AT ALL MY JOLLY NINA from before Hana’s divorce. I almost do NOT RECOGNICED HER. Completely changed NEW person! Only later I have realized that Dr. Tyl was rights seeing this 2001 pictures and saying from them that she is “SMALL ADULT, SORT OF WITH DEPPRESIVE BODY LANGUAGE [face muscles and smile down, shoulders down, etc… I have observed this for all one hour being with them later…

Adam looked tough. He did not changed his face features. He was observing me moer at this court room but none of them reacted to my “long distance cheering” and saying Hello to them just by my body language… It was tough for me. But seeing Adam’s face look my observation was: “OK, he is playing big guy, tough guy”, but I can manage him. Hate or so I have not seen with none of them…

c. Then after other court clinique procedures we were allowed to see each other in the clinique full of kids stuff with one way mirror where court clinique people were to observe the first contact.

d. When I entered the room, kids were sitting on the chair, very tight, next to each other behind the small table. I was soft, tears in my eyes. I try to say them something, normally, it sort of happened. Nina answered, very shy, butr start communicating. Adam was even briefer, also quietly just answering my Hello or so…Trying to come closer and touch themj, Adam tiold: “Stay there rather…” I stayd, closer to Nina then from her side of the table…

We start talking this and that, almost 1 hour I thing at the end. I gave them some small presences, they started react normally… I told them I love them, I do not want to hurt them, neither to Mama… At certain point Adam was touched also, having full Eyes with tears. Me too… Nina later even dances me. I realized then later, than although Adam [as instructed before by someone – clinique people, Hana?] told me what to do or not do to [like : “Speak English, not Czech”, when I told something in the Czech…] but in principle both of them responded to me in everything. Even they were listening me, they did what I was asking them to do, like “Could you please e.g. speak up, write down name of your dogs, type of inline skating you like or help me to clean up the room at the end…

e. In my opinion it went well and we overcome the first barrier… talking about small future things etc. They did not oppose it. My biggest worry seems Nina. She is completely changed, in my opinion from wha happens, whatever Hana says that she is happty in the school or so – THIS IS NEW NINA, NOT HER AT ALL. When she smiled, it was really to me like wathing smile of depressive person who have hard time with it. And I know how I “smiled” being in depression…

f. Then I made a mistake, and clinique peopal interrupted the session. I wanted Adam to write me down the name of the schoool, my intwetnion was simply to know and sooner or later to approacvh the headmaster how they are at school etc. Chief of court clinique [Ms. Beth Roth] though then 1. I am asking for their home address and 2. just to kidnap them or so… yes, my mistake. I have knew the address of them before friom my lawyer, and I told it to the chidren during our conversation, so they ought to be aware nothing is going on badly because of it…

g. Close to the finish of the meeting I was able to touch Nina, her face and touch her hands.

h. Nina answered a lot of my questions looking at the old historical photographs saying that she remembers how she skied with m,e, how she had fun dancing with me for our favorite song that time “Borbn in the USA”… etc. Opposite of the stuff what Dr. Zieman wrote to this manipulative report! I would ask to get his license out of him! Nina put it write in fornt of the clinique people. Even seeing her drawings to me [see], she recognized them saying she drew them to me… Finally looking at the word “OCO” [means “Dad”] after my asking who is it she answered you. I repeated it in English, “who is your dad”? She answers without hasitation “You”… She did not use word “ex-father” or so that Dr. Ziemans put to her mouth in his report! That was my VICTORY hearing that. I knew at that point I am back in their lifes as theior father…

i. I understand Adam’s behavior” it need in my opinion among other a lot of private “mens talking” ? At the end I kiss both of them just to their hair. A hand to Adam my hand, he return it to me, gave mi his. But he did not press it firmly at all. It was weak, not “mens touch” But he did it in history, too. But I told him now again, firmly, like his father: “Hold it firmly, like real man!” somethink like that. He did it then. In my opinion he accepted my presence, too. Both of them accepted me as an authority I think

j. During conversation what to do etc I found out that Adam [playing hockey] nevwer been in NHL game. I promised hiom we are going [Phoenix, Dever, Dallas?], but is ids going to be tough to arrange under current arrangement as Hana still palys the game I am psycho that just want top kidnap them… But about it later

k. Talking with Adam about things he likes – roller blading, hockey, at certain poiunt I gave him “Give me five” sign, he accepted it and hesitwently returned it back to me… GOOD! I WAS BEFORE OUR SIGN OF MENS’ AGREEMENT! I was glad. Very much


Order was written, we went to arrange it for next day, today. 3 hours program with Family Support Center. I plan just to walk in down town let it completely be on my chidlren where we stop, what to do. I have prepared miniscooter for Sdam to give him today [he likes moving…] and in case he wants to use it immediately during walk, to let him do that. For Nina one of her new dresses I was not able to deliver for two yeatrs…

........, any your further advice what to do, how to behave I highly appreciate. I am sending the copy of it to Dr. Tyl ask him for advice, too and Ms. Wissel.

I have to finish. I am ready to answer any your other questions,. I try to make some pictures of the children, too, or ask officially court and Hana to give me some.

I would like as NORMAL FATHER to have areranged with the US court that schools are obliged to give me ALL INFO ABOUT MY CHILDREN, as I am going to leave to the Czech rep. And mother is not going to give me any information… Anything in theirs respect how to handle it? I remember talking to you or reading your and Dr. Gardenrs book that sometimes just and only court order can solve this issue. And it looks to me, that it is going to be the case now…

THABNK YOU ONCE MORE FOR YOUR HUGE HELP AND SUPPORT. TO DR. TYL and his late nigts preparation of the report, too…


Juraj Kizak

PS: I apologize for not edit it perfectly, but for limited time in libraty I do nto have tiome to do so, and I wonted to inform you as soon as possible…